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Experienced, highly recommended Italian instructor.

There is a point when one becomes a master of the Italian language. This transformation can happen at a beginner or intermediate level when one understands what is being said and in turn expresses one self without hesitation and without the necessity of mentally translating into one’s native language. And it can happen at an advanced level when one can engage in a complex conversation using the various tenses and modes which give Italian its variety and its subtlety. It is a great pleasure fo...


Robert F. from Brooklyn, NY

Fabio is an amazing tutor. He worked patiently with my husband and I preparing us for our trip to Italy. He covered a lot of material in a short time but made it very understandable and had great exercises mixed with conversation that will be very useful for our visit. He is great and I would recommend him highly!! He also has a great sense of humor which made learning fun.

Kara M. from Brooklyn, NY

Fabio is incredible! He has spent the past several months helping my husband and I improve our Italian so we can raise our children speaking both Italian and English. He is a native speaker so his Italian is flawless and he is also able to give guidance on more colloquial uses of the language. He uses highly effective methods and is dynamic in his approach, which makes our sessions entertaining (we look forward to them!). He caters each session to a different area of development, but alters his teaching method so to keep it interesting and ensure we are learning. Although my husband and I both had a baseline understanding of Italian from studying it in school, Fabio has made us much more comfortable in our speaking ability and we have seen significant improvement since we started our tutoring sessions. If you want to improve or learn Italian and have fun doing it, would strongly recommend Fabio!